Sterling, IL Green Infrastructure Riverfront Revitalization

Sterling, IL
June 2014 - present
As part of a large design team, Jensen Ecology assisted the city of Sterling, IL in their efforts to build a park on a brownfield along the Rock River in Sterling, IL. The site is a former steel mill that was remediated.
Project work began with placement of 3-5 feet of un-contaminated fill to cap the site. The site was then re-graded to create topography, capture runoff and stormwater allow for the creation of prairies, wetlands and other natural areas.
Other site work includes green infrastructure, bioswales, permeable paving, and wetland and prairie creation. Jensen Ecology has been involved with design, construction specification development, bid administration, construction oversight and long-term site management, including prescribed fire. Now completed, the new greenspace now covers approximately 11 acres of riverfront.